Thunderbolt Fantasy

Thunderbolt Fantasy (Thunderbolt Fantasy -東離劍遊紀-, Thunderbolt Fantasy: Sword Travels in the East) is an anime-inspired Japanese-Taiwanese glove-puppetry TV show. It is written by Gen Urobuchi, known for writing Psycho Pass, Madoka Magica, Black Lagoon, etc. It began airing in July of 2016. Currently there are 2 seasons and 2 movies, a third season is currently in development.

I love Thunderbolt Fantasy!! It is really weird and unique and cool. It has extremely beautiful and intricate character designs and a very classic and exciting samurai story. There are a lot of plot twists and it never gets boring. The characters are all very unique and interesting. I am a fan of ball joint dolls and the characters give a similar appearance to that. It has a suprising amount of action, special effects, and gore, which makes it even cooler. All the men are extremely beautiful with long hair. The puppets are creepy-cute. I wish I could have dolls based on the characters!!!
